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Smartphone mounting solutions

Enjoy all that your smartphone can offer aboard your vehicle. Together with the flexibility of RAM mounting systems you can use it on practically everything.


tn smartphone mounts

We have a wide variety of dedicated and universal mounts to suit your smartphone. Together with RAM solutions you can build your mounting system, either to the bike, 4x4, car or other vehicle, boat or plane .


tn RAM HOL UN7BUtn RAM B 149ZA UN7B X-Grip universal holders are a reference in the market for its ease of use and safety. One only needs two fingers to open and close the bracket. There are several models aimed at different smartphones and phablets, as you can check in more detail by clicking here. It is also available a complete installation kit for motorcycles, with the most common version of X -Grip , RAM-HOL-UN7B, which may consult by clicking on the picture on the right.



tn9 SHL KIT1 IPH6tn SHL WCB IPH6With SHELTIS you can use your iPhone on the bike without worrying about rain or dust. This product is compatible with RAM mounting systems, and thus can be mounted on nearly all types of motorcycle. You can check all the details of SHELTIS product line clicking here. There are also available complete mounting sets for motorcycles, which can be checked by clicking on the picture on the right .


tn RAM HOL AP11In case you do not want to use your smartphone with a universal bracket or weatherproof case , we also supply dedicateded holders, fitting exactly the size of your smartphone (can not be used with covers). These holders are available for most Apple iPhone models and can be viewed by clicking here.




poweroo_logo_.jpgAnd if you wish to charge the battery of your smartphone while on the move, get to know the most complete line of solutions from Locatis (Click the logo to learn more):


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email  sales@locatis.eu

phone +351219861173

adress 38º 54.684'N  009º 15.313W

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