Which miniUSB connector version to choose?
We supply two versions of miniUSB cables, with the product codes ending either in RA or SA. This means how the cable exists from connector. This is important because in a motorcycle environment the more neat your cables are the better.
RA versions (right angled connector):
The primary choice is right angled (RA) connector. In most cases it exits the cable 90º from gadget socket in a convenient way. In RAM AQ (Aquabox) versions it saves a lot of space inside the box.
SA versions (straight connector):
In some gadgets available in the market, specially some GPS receivers such as the TomTom One and One XL V4 and Garmin Dakota models, the miniUSB socket is not at the surface of the unit case, but deep inside a plastic 'tunnel'. These designs makes impossible the use of a right angled connector and a straight SA version of the charger shall be choosen.