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   Powering Gadgets On The Move

tn din4165 mf 2The power sockets based in the standard DIN4165 are often known and recognized as BMW accessories, as most of BMW motorcycles have this type of socket. They can also be seen in Triumph and KTM motorcycles too. These plugs are smaller in diameter and shorter than the popular car lighter plugs,  offering the advantages of handling a larger electrical current and a better contact perfomance under vibration, as it is the case in motorcycle ridding. The Poweroo product line offers an extensive and comprehensive line of products based in DIN plug/socket solution:

Socket cable harnesses: as and option to car lighter sockets, we supply complete and ready to install cable harnesses with sockets.

Gadget chargers: an extensive product line of chargers compatible with DIN / BMW power sockets, covering the most common gadget connectors, such as miniUSB, microUSB, iPhone, as well as an multi charger using interchangeable adaptors.

Accessories: We supply the whole range of DIN / BMW accessories, including  sockets, plugs and adapters.

Just click on the pictures in the top of this page to see details on the products.

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