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BikeSHELTIS weatherproof case for iPhone 6, 6S, 7 and 8

Weatherproof case for bicycle use, for iPhone 6, 6S, 7 and 8

Sales price 34,90 €
Sales price without tax 28,37 €


Your iPhone experience in your bicycle...safely!

tn img 4299With BikeSHELTIS weatherproof case, you can use your iPhone while riding your bicycle, protecting it from rain and dust. This BikeSHELTIS case model is compatible with iPhone 6,6S, 7 and 8. 


tn 3 img 4289BikeSHELTIS is an hard case offering access to all iPhone functions. It includes a handlebar mount that can be installed or removed without tools, providing a  reliable and safe installation. For safety, the case can be removed from the mount only by pressing a button.

tn2 detachThe iPhone sits inside the case in a rubber tray, protecting it from shock and vibration. The rubber tray is easily replaceable.

tn touch tn buttons i5The special screen protective cover of the SHELTIS case allows the operation of the iPhone screen when inside the case. All iPhone buttons can be pressed from the outside of the case, such as Home, Sleep, and Volume.  


tn frame with legends i8 en


tn sheltis in bike 02 rotationThe case can swivel 360 degrees, being possible to use the iPhone horizontally or vertically. This feature is very usefull for navigation purposes.


iPhone cameras can be used with BikeSHELTIS case, as there are windows for them.



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adress 38º 54.684'N  009º 15.313W

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