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ram air mount
From ultralight to commercial or military aircraft, RAM-MOUNTS offers the best and reliable solutions for the mounting of iPad's in EFB role, as well as for GPS and cameras. Talk to us!

Mounts for Tablets, GPS and cameras in aircraft

 tn RAM B 189 TAB3 ALA1 KRULocatis is the distributor for Portugal of RAM-MOUNTS® mounting systems from Seattle, USA, the largest world manufacturer of electronic equipment mounts in vehicles.

RAM-MOUNTS® systems are built up on a revolutionary product line based in vibration absortion balls. These systems allow the mounting of almost any equipment in any type of aircraft.

To mount an iPad in an aircraft, trusted RAM systems are the solution.


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email  sales@locatis.eu

phone +351219861173

adress 38º 54.684'N  009º 15.313W

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